The R.I.S.E program consist of weekly workshops tailored towards empowering youths all over the Lower Mainland. Currently there are six workshops that are offered to youths in which they sign up for through partnered Neighborhood Houses. Throughout the program, the mentors are paired with two youths each and remain in contact with the youths to follow up. Along with the weekly workshops, R.I.S.E also organizes a one-day conference called “Rise To The Top”. The aim of the conference is to educate youth on the four main workshops as well as provide networking experience.

How it Works

At the beginning of the year, a needs assessment is conducted to figure out what is lacking in the education system. Through the needs assessment, workshops are created and lesson plans are composed. The following six topics are the workshops for the year:

  • Business Communications

  • Financial Literacy

  • Self-Presentation

  • Career Pathways

  • Coding Bootcamp

Towards the end of the year, the Rise To The Top conference which condenses the first four topics listed above in a one-day conference would be available to students all over the Lower Mainland.

Our Goal

Our goal is to expand the quantity of workshops while improving the quality of each individual workshop. Not only do we seek to improve the workshops, but we also aim to increase the number of youths exposed to new environment.